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Cookie Usage


甚麼是 Cookies 呢?

Cookies 是一個個小型的檔案貯存在你的電腦上,而這些檔案會由你的瀏覽器(如: Mozilla Firefox 或 Google Chrome)使用,並會儲存網站上有關於你的偏好設定、瀏覽紀錄,或保持你的會員階段於登入狀態。

開發人員於設計 Cookies 的時候,加入了時間及獨立性控制,使到 Cookies 可以保存一段時間(如: 一日、一個星期、一年)而不被其他網站存取。

在 Toughlife 論壇中 Cookies 的用途

本論壇在多方面上使用了 Cookies ,包括:

  • 儲存你的個人(本地端)設定。 (此項包括本論壇可以確保你的會員檔案為登入狀態,及語言設定等)
  • 網站分析。(這可以讓 Toughlife 統計有多少瀏覽者正在使用本站服務,以及改善服務品質)
  • Advertising cookies (possibly third-party). If this site displays advertising, cookies may be set by the advertisers to determine who has viewed an ad or similar things. These cookies may be set by third parties, in which case this site has no ability to read or write these cookies.
  • Other third-party cookies for things like Facebook or Twitter sharing. These cookies will generally be set by the third-party independently, so this site will have no ability to access them.

Removing/Disabling Cookies

Managing your cookies and cookie preferences must be done from within your browser's options/preferences. Here is a list of guides on how to do this for popular browser software: